I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist. I specialize in Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing and Evaluation services. Testing services are available for children and adults. I specialize in assessing neurodevelopmental, neurocognitive, and psychological disorders.
People often seek out the help of a Clinical Psychologist to help them identify and diagnose psychological, learning, and processing disorders through the testing process coupled with a thorough interview process.
My evaluation process includes state-of-the-art psychological and neuropsychological assessment measures and a thorough clinical interview. I take a holistic approach to evaluations that value your unique story and life circumstances.
Our work together can help you build self-awareness of your strengths and growth points. My goal is for you to have a deeper understanding of yourself and the tools to navigate life’s challenges effectively.
Please contact me if you are interested in pursuing an evaluation.